We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179



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Strata-Vator Aerating Fountains

Turn this dirty pond
Into a clean pond!
The solution to your pond management headaches. With the Strata-vator™ series, algae, unpleasant odors, sludge, weeds and poor water clarity due to stratification are history.

No need for chemicals, dyes or labor-intensive dredging. The Strata-vator™ takes the colder, denser water from below and aerates it in a beautiful fountain display that re-oxygenates and de-stratifies water layers, aiding in the natural biodegradation of algae for clearer, healthier ponds. Call for Pricing
MINI Strata-Vator™ Aerating Fountains
· Available in 1/2hp, 3/4hp & 1hp models
· Operates in as little as 3' of water
· Standard 50',100' and 150' cable lengths
· Optional 3 light illumination package for dramatic nighttime effects

MIDI Strata-Vator™ Aerating Fountains
· Available in 1/2hp, 3/4hp, 1hp, 1.5 & 2hp models
· Operates in as little as 4' of water
· Cable lengths up to 600', cut to order
· Optional 3, 6 or 9 light illumination packages for the utmost in nighttime effects.

MAXI Strata-Vator™ Aerating Fountains
· Available in 5hp, 7.5hp, 10hp & 15hp models
· Operates in as little as 5' of water
· Cable lengths up to 450' cut to order
· Optional 3, 6 or 9 light illumination packages for the utmost in nighttime effects
· No assembly required.

As part of the beauty, the Oase/Rainjet line of floating fountains at Coastal includes this amazing submerged light kit .
• UL-listed submersible glass-filled polyurethane electrical junction box.
• (7) colored lenses in clear (white), amber, turquoise, light red, dark red, blue, and green.
• Submersible cable available in 50' increments.
• Maximum cable length for the 1/2 HP unit: 100' - 3/4 HP & 1 HP can go to 150'.
• 3, 6, or 9 light package combinations.
• 3 light package available for the MINI only.
• 200, 300, and 500 watt light fixtures.
• 1-Phase pump/motor option (1/2hp - 2hp)
• 3-Phase pump/motor option (5hp - 15 hp)

Trumpet Jet

Grand Geyser

Heavy Water
Sky Cascade

Sky Cascade

Trumped Geyser


Strata-Vator Command Centers incorporate a variety of optional automatic control and safety features. The units are pre-wired at the factory to a coded terminal strip for ease of installation. Each Command Center is protected by a gasket sealed weatherproof box.



  • Ground fault circuit breaker protection for 230 volt, 60hz single phase circuits.
  • Ground fault circuit breaker protection for 120 volt, 60hz single phase circuits.
  • Automatic 24 hour time clock control for pump operation.
  • Automatic 24 hour combination time clock and photo control for lighting operation.
  • Solid state circuit switching contactor(s)
  • Optional three circuit sequential programmer for “color blending” of lighting display.