We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179



We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179



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BioFalls® Filters

Biological filters are positioned to create the beginning of the waterfall in your pond. The filter uses bacteria to break down pond wastes, converting them into less harmful compounds that can be used as aquatic plant fertilizers. Water enters the biological filter from the skimmer via flexible pipe located near the base of the unit. The water then flows from the bottom to the top of the filter, traveling through filter media housed inside the unit. The filter media helps with the removal of fine to medium-sized particles.

As the biological filter fills, it overflows and cascades over its waterfall lip, cascading down rocks that have been set to create a beautiful, natural-looking waterfall. The waterfall creates aeration for your pond, assisting in the circulation and health of the water. Aquascape BioFalls® Filters range in size and can filter ponds up to 10,000 gallons. For larger ponds, multiple biological filters can be incorporated into the design.

Read “What You Need to Know About Pond Filtration” to learn more about the role biological filtration plays in an ecosystem pond.




Aquascape BioFalls can be buried in the ground to create the beginning of a stream or raised to create the start of a beautiful waterfalls. The top of the filter can be filled with aquatic plants or accent stones, allowing the BioFalls to be completely camouflaged into the landscape.




Compare BioFalls® Filters

  Signature Series 1000 BioFalls Pond Filter Signature Series 2500 BioFalls Pond Filter Signature Series 6000 BioFalls Pond Filter Signature Series 6000 BioFalls Pond Filter with 3" Bulkhead
  Signature Series 1000 BioFalls Signature Series 2500 BioFalls Signature Series 6000 BioFalls Signature Series 6000 BioFalls (3" Bulkhead)
Model Number 99774 09020 29319 29384
Filters Ponds up to 1,000 gal / 3,800 L 2,500 gal / 9,500 L 6,000 gal / 22,700 L 6,000 gal / 22,700 L
Pump Flow Rate up to 3,000 GPH / 11,400 LPH up to 5,000 GPH / 18,900 LPH up to 15,000 GPH / 56,800 LPH up to 15,000 GPH / 56,800 LPH
Spillway Width 15 inches 21.5 inches 28 inches 28 inches
Bulkhead Port Single 2 inch Dual 2 inch Dual 2 inch Dual 3 inch
Fittings Included 1.5" PVC slip and 1.5" kink-free insert Two 2" PVC slip Two 2" PVC slip Two 3" PVC slip
Rock Tray Optional ? ? ?
Filter Mats 2 Included 2 Included 2 Included 2 Included
BioBalls (qty) Optional (Holds 100)* Optional (Holds 200)* Optional (Holds 400)* Optional (Holds 400)*
Filter Media Nets 1 Included 2 Included 3 Included 3 Included
Dimensions 17.5 x 20.5 x 17 inches (LxWxH) 24 x 29.5 x 20 inches (LxWxH) 40 x 45 x 29.5 inches (LxWxH) 40 x 45 x 29.5 inches (LxWxH)
Warranty Limited Lifetime Limited Lifetime Limited Lifetime Limited Lifetime
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*BioBalls not included