We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


Little Giant PE Series Direct Drive Pumps

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Little Giant PE Series Direct Drive Pumps  Little Giant Premium Pond Pumps

This pump features an epoxy-encapsulated motor, plastic housing and radial lip seal on the motor shaft. It provides enough power to effectively operate a water garden, statuary or tabletop fountain. In fact, it may even be used in some harsh, industrial-type applications. This "potted" pump is usually more compact in size than an oil-filled pump of equal flow capacity.


  • Designed to operate continuously with maximum energy efficiency
  • Corrosion resistant body designed for non-potable submersible use
  • Environmentally safe, oil-less
  • 2 Year Limited Manufacturers Warranty
Model Horsepower Discharge Tubing Volts Hertz Amps Watts Dimenions Shut Off Cord Length
PE-1F-PW 1/125 1/4" MNPT Accepts 1/2" ID tubing 115 60 0.6 36 3.6"H x 3.7W x 4.9L 7' 15'
PE-2H-PW 1/40 1/4" MNPT Accepts 1/2" ID tubing 115 60 0.8 47 4.2" x 5.6" x 3.7" 12.2' 6'
PE-2.5F-PW 1/28 1/2" MNTP Accepts 3/4" ID tubing 115 60 1.4 80 4.02" x 5.63" x 2.9" 13.4' 15'
Performance @ 1' 2' 3' 4' 5' 8' 10'
PE-1F-PW 170 gph 160 gph 140 gph 120 gph 100 gph - -
PE-2H-PW 300 gph - 270 gph - 240 gph 180 gph 130 gph
PE-2.5F-PW 475 gph - 440 gph - 395 gph 270 gph 205 gph