We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179



A generic image

The Arum Display Aerator has 2 tiers, a tall, heavy, vertical stream surrounded by 16 low, medium diameter, gracefully arching coherent streams about 1/3 the height of the center stream.

Arum  Product Specs - 60 Hz
  Performance Depth Amps
HP Ht.
Flow rate
Min. Water Depth Inches Single Phase Three Phase
        Vert Horiz 120V 208V 230V 208V 230V 460V 575V
2 10 18 350 56 28 - 15 13 9 8 4 -
3 13 22 390 56 28 - 19 17 13 11 6 5
5 - 2 stage 18 27 500 62 28 - 30 28 21 18 9 7
7.5 - 2 stage - - - - - - - - - - - -