We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


High Growth & Energy

A generic image
Will not cloud water. High Growth and Energy food for pond fish. Contains stabilized Vitamin C

In the late spring when the warmer temperatures arrive, koi and goldfish need a boost of protein for growth since they have depleted their fat reserves over the winter. In the fall, a higher protein diet is also required since pond fish need to bulk up in preparation for their winter fast. Use this feed at a minimum temperature of 68 degrees F (20 degrees C). Pond fish really start to grow at this temperature.