We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


Pond Permoxyn

A generic image
Used in ponds as a treatment for bacterial gill disease and as a bath to treat external parasitic disease of fish. Permoxyn is useful in the improvement of water quality by oxidation of excessive dissolved and suspended organic materials. Contains 3/84 percent of Potassium Permanganate.

16 oz - Treats 960 gallons
1 gal - Treats 7,693 gallons
5 gal - Treats 38,465 gallons

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