We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


AlphaONE Filters

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The AlphaONE Series of Bead Filters are absolutely awesome.

All of the AlphaONE Series of Bead Filters come with a lifetime warranty!

The tank is made from the finest fiberglass construction, pressure rated to 50 psi. These filters come with the highest multi-port flow valves on the market.

All openings are 2” threaded ports for easy service. Filter, Backwash, Rinse, Waste and Bypass for Medical Treatment. No need to remove plumbing to gain entry to the filter

If you flick the switch to turn on the 1.5 hp Bead Agitator, it injects a plethora of air into the bottom of the filter which rises to break apart the bead-pac for a good backwash.

The AquaSwirl Internal Vortex spins heavier solids to the center of the bottom of the vessel to be drained out through the sludge drain

This filter comes with a clear union check valve for easy accessibility to clean out and replace if necessary. It also has an energy efficient design allowing for smaller, more energy efficient pumps to be used. It also has been engineered with an easy access drainage port for winterizing without losing any of your bead material. The AlphaONE internals use a larger slotted opening so there is no need for a sludge drain.


Alphaone media stops the debris evenly through out the media pac, resulting in greater flow, less head or back pressure and less maintenance. The Alphaone media was specially designed for this filter and this filter only. With the Alphaone media there are no hidden area for anaorobic bacteria to harbor & stagnate, only beneficial bacteria.

AlphaONE Filters must ship motorfreight and cannot be ordered from the site! Check with Coastal for current freight charges.