We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


Microbe Lift Defoamer 32oz.


Eliminates foam in seconds!

Microbe Lift Defoamer gets rid of unsightly foam fast, leaving pond water clean and clear. Persistent foaming can indicate a heavy concentration of undissolved organics. Partial water changes can improve water quality which will help reduce foaming.


  • Leaves pond and fountain water clean and clear
  • For ponds and fountains of all sizes
  • Safe for fish, plants, birds and aquatic life!

Add one (1) ounce per 500 gallons of pond water. If foaming persists five (5) minutes after initial treatment, repeat dosage until foam is gone!

  • Model: EL-DEFOAMER-32
  • Shipping Weight: 2 lbs
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Ecological Labs

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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 16 October, 2008.

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