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We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


Barley Bale


Barley straw has been suggested for use in ponds for algae control, yet minimal replicated scientific research exists to substantiate the observed positive results. It is believed that the barley, as it decomposes, slowly releases hydrogen peroxide into the water at levels that are toxic to algae. The Center for Aquatic Plant Management in the United Kingdom has the most active efforts in the development of this method of algae control. Following is a brief summary of their observations:


  • This method will not kill algae already present; the bales must be in place prior to algae bloom.
  • The algae are suppressed best when the straw is decomposing in a well-oxygenated environment.
  • How much straw is needed depends on the surface area of the pond. Pond depth or volume does not appear to influence suppression.
  • One-half to 1.5 oz of barley straw per 10 square feet of surface area (approximately 2-3 bales per acre) will provide good activity against the algae. Higher rates have been shown to provide better algae control if the problem is severe.
  • Too much straw can deoxygenate the water.
  • It is best if the straw is applied loosely so that water can move freely through it. A cage or netting can contain the loose barley.
  • The barley works best when it is at or near the pond surface.
  • It is better to use multiple barley stations.
  • Apply the straw in the fall or early spring; this will give the straw a chance to rot and get ahead of the spring/summer algae blooms.
  • Water temperature will affect how quickly the bales will begin suppression. At temperatures below 50 F, 6-8 weeks are required, at 70°F, 1-2 weeks are sufficient.
  • Once active, the straw will remain effective for approximately six months.
  • No negative side effects have been reported; however, increased invertebrate populations and improvement of gill development in fish from ponds where barley straw was applied have been observed.

Treats: 1000 gallons

  • Model: BARLEY-8-OZ
  • Shipping Weight: 0.75 lbs
  • 1 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Coastal Pond

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 29 August, 2007.