We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179


We have moved! Our NEW address is: 5129 South Royal Atlanta Dr. Tucker, Ga. 30084
Atlanta area: 770-496-5740
Out of state:800-782-6179



A generic image
Specially formulated for decorative fish ponds, lagoons & smaller water features.
  • Creates a cleaner environment for your pond, promoting faster fish growth.
  • Reduces ammonia nitrogen levels.
  • Dissolves away organic sludge.
  • Seeds and maintains biological filters.
  • Significantly reduces noxious odors caused by dead algae, fish fecal matter and urine.
  • Reduces hydrogen sulfide, which creates strong, offensive odors.
  • Reduces biological oxygen demand.
  • Reduces buildup of bird droppings, fish feed and dead leaves.
  • Breaks down dead algae.
  • Improves dissolved oxygen levels.
  • Reduces cloudy water.
  • Effective over a wide range of pH conditions.

Continued biological activity even in water temperatures under 55° F. (12° C.)

8 oz

Treats: 80 gal for 11 months
200 gal for 8 months

1 QT

Treats: 500 gal for 11 months
1000 gal for 8 months

10-20 gal pond
First Dosage: 2 oz
Next 4 Weeks (Once per week): 1 oz
Maintenance: 1 oz

21-50 gal pond
First Dosage: 4 oz
Next 4 Weeks (Once per week): 1.5 oz
Maintenance: 1.5 oz

1 Gal

Treats: 5000 gal for 21 months

51-80 gal pond
First Dosage: 6 oz
Next 4 Weeks (Once per week): 1.5 oz
Maintenance: 1.5 oz

81-250 gal pond
First Dosage: 8 oz
Next 4 Weeks (Once per week): 2 oz
Maintenance: 2 oz

251-500 gal pond
First Dosage: 10 oz
Next 4 Weeks (Once per week): 3 oz