8 oz
Treats: 80 - 250 gal for 28 weeks16 oz
Treats: 500 gal for 16 weeksFire 4 Weeks: 1oz for every 250 gal
Maintenance: 1oz for every 250 gal Twice Monthly
3 lbs
Treats: 750 gal for 32 weeksFire 4 Weeks: 1oz for every 250 gal
Maintenance: 1oz for every 250 gal Twice Monthly
5 lbs
Treats: 2000 gal for 20 weeksDilute dosage in a 1/2 gal of lukewarm water. Apply directly over surface area of pond or spread around perimeter.
25 lbs
Treats: Extra large ponds and water featuresDilute dosage in a 1/2 gal of lukewarm water. Apply directly over surface area of pond or spread around perimeter.